Rally Information

Globe Derby Pony Club run Rallies on a Sunday of each month. Our Rallies are held at the Globe Derby Equestrian Centre, 556 Whites Rd & Cnr Ryans Rd, Globe Derby Park.

Hot Weather Policy:

If the forecast temperature for the day of the rally is 35 degrees and above (for Globe Derby Park, on the BOM website at 7pm the night prior to the rally), for the safety and well being of horses and riders, the rally will be cancelled.

Rally Calendar 2022

Below is a table of the 2020 GDPC and Metropolitan Zone PC events that all members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Any changes will be updated here and an email sent out to all club members.

Stay Up To Date:
Please see the GlobeDerbyPonyClub Facebook page for up to date information on each rally.
Please see the MetroZonePonyClubs Facebook page for up to date information on zone events.

09 JanuaryBeach RallySemaphore
13 FebruaryClub RallyGlobe Derby PC
26 FebruaryGawler River PC XC Training DayGawler River PC
27 FebruaryMetro Zone Training DayGlobe Derby PC
13 MarchMetro Zone Games DayGlobe Derby PC
19-20 MarchPCASA State GymkhanaKadina
26-27 MarchGawler River ODEGawler Rive PC
03 AprilMetro Zone Show Jump DaySunnybrae PC
10 AprilClub RallyGlobe Derby PC
25 AprilAnzac Day Hack ShowPegasus PC
30 April - 01 MayMount Pleasant ODEMount Pleasant PC
07-08 MayPCASA State ODEWilliamstown PC
08 MayClub RallyGlobe Derby PC
22 MayMetro Zone Dressage DayPegasus PC
04-05 JunBarossa ODEBarossa PC
05 JunClub RallyGlobe Derby PC
18-19 JunMonarto ODEMonarto PC
26 JunMetro Zone Training DayGlobe Derby PC
03 JulClub RallyGlobe Derby PC
07 AugClub RallyGlobe Derby PC
14 AugMetro Zone FinalsGlobe Derby PC
21 AugState Team TrainingTBA
28 AugWilliamstown XC Training DayWilliamstown PC
04 SepState Team TrainingTBA
18 SepGawler River PC GymkhanaGawler River PC
18 SepWilliamstown PC Dressage DayWilliamstown PC
24-25 SepPCASA State ChampsMonarto PC
09 OctClub RallyGlobe Derby PC
08-09 OctWilliamstown ODEWilliamstown PC
20-23 OctAustralian International 3DETBA
22-23 OctMountain ODETBA
13 NovClub RallyGlobe Derby PC
20 NovMetro Zone GymhanaTrinity PC
27 NovMetro Zone Presentations DayTBA
04 DecClub Rally / EOY BreakupGlobe Derby PC