About Us
The Globe Derby Pony Club Inc (GDPC) was formed on 25th September 2018 and is located at the Globe Derby Equestrian Centre where we share the grounds with the Northern Adelaide Riding for the Disabled. The club was founded with a strong Committee, 10 riding members and 6 non-riding members.
For those new to Pony Club, here is a little bit of history. Pony Club began in the UK in 1929 with the establishment of the first Australian Pony Club in 1938. Pony Club is represented in 29 countries worldwide with a membership base exceeding 110,000 members. The Australian Pony Club Association is the largest in the world with a membership base exceeding 55,000 members. Australian Pony Clubs actively participate in state, national and international competitions.
GDPC Aims & Objectives
Aligning with our club's Strategic Plan 2021 to 2023, we uphold the aims and objectives of the Pony Club Association South Australia (PCASA), the Globe Derby Pony Club (GDPC) aims to:
- Provide a friendly and relaxed environment where every member is encouraged to enjoy all equine and equestrian sporting activities and disciplines while feeling safe and supported.
- Provide appropriate instruction in all equine and equestrian sporting activities and disciplines.
- Encourage and promote the development of member’s life skills, including leadership, teamwork, self-awareness, respect, acceptance, and responsibility.
- Encourage and promote member’s family involvement and the development of life-long friendships in a fun and friendly club for all.
- Provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for junior and senior riding and non-riding members who are interested in all areas of equine horsemanship and equine sporting pursuits.
Get To Know The Club
The decision to base the new club at the Globe Derby Equestrian Centre was easy. The Centre has purpose built equine sporting facilities providing the club with security and longevity. Sharing the facilities with the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) allows for future growth and joint investment. The surrounding area is an equine rich location where there is a growing demand for equine based sporting activities, some of which fit perfectly with what pony club can offer.
The decision to run rallies only one Sunday per month was to allow our members to take advantage of everything the equine sporting community has to offer while still being connected to pony club for fun, education and training. We encourage our members to participate in outside events and competitions including those hosted by our own Metropolitan Zone and other zones, other pony clubs and Equestrian Australia, as well as other equine sporting groups and organisations.
Throughout the year we will offer a range of equine sporting activities and disciplines. We will be seeking outside, qualified instructors to assist our members in developing their skills in their chosen disciplines.
But not everything is about hard work, education and training, at our pony club we value fun too! We will be including team bonding sessions, forest rides, camp outs, trail or beach rides and games. We are all for training, but they must have the fun element as well!
GDPC are a family friendly environment and we are governed by the Pony Club Association of South Australia (PCASA) and the Department of Recreation and Sport. We are a mandatory reporting organisation.
The club is a wonderful learning environment for all ages and does not tolerate bad behavior of any type (swearing, physical violence, bullying of any kind). The grounds are smoke, drug and alcohol free and if anyone on the grounds attempts to take part in any of these things, they will be asked to leave the grounds immediately.